Welcome to Praise Fellowship STL

Praise Fellowship Assembly of God is a group of people who gather to develop our relationship with God, with each other and with the community. We are not perfect people but we are genuine people. If you are looking for a church where people are real and genuinely concerned about others you will enjoy Praise Fellowship.

What About Our Pastor

Dr. Stephen Zemanek serves as our lead pastor. He has written 19 books, serves as a resource for starting new churches, is a sought after teacher and speaker. Dr. Stephen Zemanek, or as we call him “Pastor Steve”, has a genuine interest in helping others discover how to live in joy, peace and purpose. He is also an avid motorcycle rider.

You Can Find Us Here

Praise Fellowship Assembly of God meets on Sundays at The Lodge of Des Peres (1050 Des Peres Road in Des Peres, MO 63131) at 10:00am. We have chosen to meet in a rented space rather than to own a property. This allows us to invest more money into the needs of our community instead of putting it into the cost of owning and maintaining a property.

What We Do

Praise Fellowship Assembly of God’s main gathering is on Sunday mornings at 10:00am. We meet worship, learn what the Bible teaches and enjoy each other’s company. We also have an excellent church for children where they can learn about God in a way that meets their needs.

Praise Fellowship Assembly of God also meets in a variety of locations throughout the week for small groups. These groups allow people to make friends and learn about God in comfortable settings.

Where We Help

Praise Fellowship Assembly of God is about helping people. We serve various groups in the community including homeless, veterans, abuse victims, recovering addicts and alcoholics, couples and families struggling with interpersonal issues and those struggling with loss of loves ones.

Upcoming Events

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